Research and Development Cash Rebate Scheme (CRS)

Launched in April 2010, CRS aims to encourage more research and development (R&D) investment in the private sector and encourage local enterprises to establish stronger partnership with designated local public research institutes.
An applicant is eligible to apply for cash rebate if it is :
- a company incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) or an enterprise registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310); and
- not a government subvented organisation3; and
- not a subsidiary of any government subvented organisation3
The Scheme provides a cash rebate equivalent to 40% of a local enterprise's eligible expenditure in two types of applied R&D projects –
- R&D projects funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) ("ITF projects"); and
- R&D projects funded entirely by local enterprises and conducted in partnership with designated local public research institutes4 ("Partnership projects").
For Partnership projects, the following types of work or activities will not be eligible for cash rebate under the Scheme -
- product enhancement/customisation and related work, conventional operation or/and business activities without scientific research content, such as product design and general system automation;
- local enterprises' in-house R&D work; and
- research projects outside the science and technology fields such as market researches and management studies.
Key Features
- 40% cash rebate of the local enterprises' eligible expenditure contributed to ITF projects and Partnership projects as undertaken by designated local public research institutes1.
CRS accepts applications all year round. An enterprise should register as a user and submit its application through the Cash Rebate Scheme Funding Administrative System (CRSFAS) within two years after completion of the relevant R&D project (in the case of Partnership projects, applicants are also required to submit a pre-registration via the CRSFAS as described in the Application Guide below). The designated local public research institution or other parties cannot submit application on behalf of the applicant. Please read the following documents before submitting an application:
- Application Guide
- Template on Interim/ Final Report for Partnership projects (MS Word format)
- Leaflet on the R&D Cash Rebate Scheme
Frequently Asked Questions
No, enterprises applying for cash rebate under the Scheme must be incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) or an enterprise registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310).
We expect to disburse the cash rebate normally within 30 working days after receipt of the duly completed application accompanied by all necessary supporting documents. If there are complications in individual cases, the ITC will contact the applicants and the relevant designated local public research institutions where appropriate.
Application should be submitted within 2 years after the completion of the relevant R&D project.
Only in-house R&D work under projects funded by Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS) of ITF is eligible for cash rebate. Partnership projects undertaken by the designated local public research institutions are also eligible for cash rebate.
- Tel: (852) 3655 5678
- Fax: (852) 2957 8726
- Email:
R&D Cash Rebate Scheme Section
Innovation and Technology Commission
10/F, Rykadan Capital Tower, 135 Hoi Bun Road,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong